Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mary J. Blige

Mary Jane Blige was born January 11, 1971.In New York City- Bronx. Her father left when she was at the age of 4 and her family moved to a more social projects. Her world changed when her mother's boyfriend played a cassette of Blige singing "Caught Up In the Rapture" and played it for Jeff Redd who is a recording artist, A&R, and runner for Uptown Records. Redd sent the cassette to the preident and CEO of the label. Harrell, the president, met with with Mary in 1989 and signed her to lable making her they youngest and first female artist.
In 1990, she began singing background for Jeff Redd. She also sang on a songe with Father MC. Then in 1991, she was seen singing at the Apollo as Redd's background singer. In 1992, she did a song with Grand Puba. Later that summer she mad an appearence on MTV's Yo! MTV Raps.
In 2000, Blige began a relationship with Martin Isaacs, now her manager, whom was the one to help her with her drug and alcohol addictions, and were married December 24, 2003. In 2006 she appeared on Oprah, giving away the secret that at age 5 she was molested.
After all that went on with her, she is back and making great music, selling at the top of charts, and accomplishing what she started out to do.

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