Monday, March 30, 2009

India Arie

One of the most gifted soul singers I have ever heard of in my life. Not only is her voice wonderful, but the message in her songs seem to relate to everyday life. Many artist try to do that, but few do it. India on the other hand seems to do just that. I remember her very first single "video". That song to me reached so many women and girls that seemed to be under pressure to become what everyone wanted them to. It set a standard in my life to not worry so much about what others think or expect of me. To not worry so much about what I don't have and appreciate what I do have. She is the type of artist I want to become, one that sings about moderate situation, and sends a message that can change others all at the same time.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Patti Labelle

This lady is the best ever! Her voice is so amazing, and her stage presence is unbelievable. She has a charisma about her that many wish to have. Her music expresses feelings most people have commonly. Even though she is an older artist, I enjoy her to the fullest. I remember my first time listening to her I couldn't believe her vocals. It was so cool the way she hit certain notes, and held out others. I have grown to follow her music and she has become a huge inspiration in my life. Seeing her in concert was so mind blowing. She is no where near your average artist in concert. She is real and hold nothing back. I remember when my mother and I attended the Essence Festival and she was there performing, soon as she came out every single person in the auditorium rose to their feet. She didn't even have to say a word, but when she did it was the most graceful not I have ever heard. She was entertaining not only on a musical level, but she made a friendly connection with her artist. I know I almost laughed my lungs out when she stopped in the middle of a song and said, " all please forgive me, but these hills are killing my feet, and I refuse to hop around this stage in them..." That moment let me know exactly why was it people loved, and could relate to her so much. To this day, I will always remember that concert, my hopes and dreams are to one day be able to meet and talk to her in person, because I know she would have wise knowledge to impart upon me, and sell as outstanding words of wisdom and encouragement.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WARNING: This Is A Blog Change

So I have decided to change the concept of the blog, only a little. Instead of ust providing information about specific artist that you can just find anywhere on the internet or in a book, but I have also thought to add why I chose the specific artist for the week, and how they are important to me. Give a little bit of my own thoughts and personaly information on how i feel towards that person.
Hope you enjoy the new change!